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anonymous's avatar
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Ninjutsuikki's avatar
"Zero flavor and all the addiction." The reboot is literally making of itself for being bad. They feel we will watch simply because its Futurama. Wish Hulu never bothered.
Ninjutsuikki's avatar
Ep02 is much better but still missing the mark, imho. Bad as blurnsball. Not a strike 2, but a foulball nonetheless
Bayvey's avatar
Img 20200110 162227 by Bayvey  Hi, I am making leather accessories.
AshInitialDHero's avatar
Greetings, this is a link to my petition to have a crossover television adaption of Doraemon and Futurama created. Please sign and share with your friends. With your support, we can get this turned into a reality.

Petition · The Walt Disney Company: Futuraemon · Change.org