
xxxHolic Superstitious Chapter Twenty Six

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Fushigi-Okami's avatar

Literature Text







By Fushigi-Okami



Act Three: It’s a Jungle Out There


Chapter Twenty-Six


                Meanwhile, back in Portland Oregon at a park in a gazebo, Markus and Nina are enjoying the anniversary cake in delight and bliss of the afternoon shade out of the Sun. The flavor is as sweet as the kiss on their first date. Markus is dressed in a button up that is blue and gray with a light blue shirt beneath, his girlfriend Nina is in a purple Sari attire complementing her sun kissed skin to the credit of the country of her origin, in India. He is glad that the suggestion August had given to him a couple months back has paid off with the cake and things have gone quite well for the two of them.


                “Svaadisht! This chocolate marble cake is quite delicious.” Nina says as she smiles as sweetly as the cake. “Please do this more often.”


                Markus blushes. He could never get used to hearing her praise his bakery skills with cakes and pastries. He gives a toothy smile as his eyes meet hers. “I’m glad you like it.”


                Nina takes another bite of the cake with the flavor of delight on her tongue and she purrs with the taste. “I think I may be taking the entire cake home with me. At the same time, I want someone else to enjoy this cake.” Nina complements further. “Kitana achchha!”


                Markus laughs. “Well, I do have a few people in mind that we can share the leftovers with.” Markus says. He soon has a thoughtful expression on his face with him being in thought. “I hope Nagina likes cake. My mum and dad would also go for a piece of cake too. I think a lot of people in our circle would love it.”


                “You know, you can always make more if you want to. I think August would love some of it.” Nina suggested. “Consider it a welcome home gift.”


                “Ah, grand idea, Nina!” Markus said. “I think I should have some of the cake batter left over from the cooking of the cake. I kind of over prepared, it’s kind of embarrassing.”


                Markus chuckles and scratches the back of his head in mild embarrassment.


                “There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. You cared, that’s all there is to it.” Nina points out sweetly.


                “Thanks, Nina.” Markus replies as he relaxes a little bit.


                After the anniversary date between Markus and Nina with the cake slices being saved for another time, Markus makes his way home from the park with a skip in his step. He practically dances his way home until he became more thoughtful, he is thinking of August. He dials the number and calls him.


                Soon after a couple of buzzes from the phone, August answers. “Hello Markus.”


                “Hey there August. How’s that road trip going along?” Markus asks.


                “At New York.” August said flatly.


                “New York New York?” Markus asks August with shock in his voice.


                “Yes, New York New York.” August deadpans. “Yuuko has a contact over here that knows something. Of course, as always, I’m in the dark.”


                “She’s certainly a cryptic one, isn’t she.” Markus says.


                “The sooner I’m out of this stupid Big Apple the better! I can’t stand it here.” August laments.


                “That bad then? Oh dear.” Markus responds.


                “Only bright side is that the contact she’s currently chatting along with has a place very similar to Yuuko’s so I am very protected where I’m at… that and his kid is showing me the ropes for New York.”

                “I’m not a kid!” A girl’s voice is heard on the line August is on.


                Markus couldn’t help but giggle. “Made a new friend over there?”


                “Eh, kinda.” August responds.


                “Well, I do hope things get a little better over there.” Markus says with some sympathy in his voice.


                “Thanks.” August replies. Then, he remembered something. “Oh yeah, today’s the anniversary, right? How’d that go?”


                “Oh! It went pretty well.” Markus answers with a smile on his face. “Chocolate marble cake is definitely a winner.”


                “Told you.” August says with a smirk. “Well, anyway, I probably should be going.”


                “Alright, have a good one August and hopefully you come out alright.” Markus responds.


                Soon enough, the call ends. Markus is still on his way home.


                Unbeknownst to Markus, he is being followed by someone at a distance. Silas is observing him at a distance.

Sorry for the long delay on the chapter. Kind of an intermission chapter but giving a spotlight to Markus.



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ellie-the-skellie's avatar

Uh oh, be careful out there Markus......