[open] Howleena, the local witchFurrHeaven on DeviantArt

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[open] Howleena, the local witch



Howleena, the local witch, stood proudly on the cobbled street, illuminated by the full moon. Her dark locks cascaded down her back from beneath her pointed hat, and her form-fitting dress accentuated her ample curves. The witch's yellow eyes sparkled in the night, a mysterious smile playing on her lips. However, behind her outward composure, a hint of annoyance lurked - her latest spell had gone awry. Instead of soaring into the sky on her broom, She had accidentally transformed the tip of her own tail into a makeshift brush! Now, all that remained in her hands was a useless stick.

But could such a minor mishap truly faze a true witch? Of course not! Howleena acted as if everything was going according to plan. After all, the sleepy townsfolk, snoring in their beds, would be none the wiser. This meant she could continue her nightly escapades, especially with the Halloween-decorated streets beckoning her to embark on an adventure. Who knows, perhaps the peculiar transformation of the witch's tail was a sign of fate, a hint of the wondrous adventures to come? Howleena smirked, gripped her "broom" tighter, and resolutely stepped forward into the unknown.

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