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460 Deviations

RAW Interview

2 min read
I recently had an interview done on RAW regarding my work

Click the link for full interview


Win a Fuji Flex 45" Limited Edition Print .

Win a 45' Print by Furiousxr

Win a Fuji Flex 45" Limited Edition Print .

Valued at over $500.

Simply head to www.facebook.com/kirkhillephotography hit the like button and copy and post this image on your own facebook page . A random winner will be drawn from the list of fans on the Kirk Hille Photography Facebook book page on Launch of the website www.kirkhillephotography.com .

Full conditions below :

1. Contestants must have liked the Kirk Hille Photography Facebook page
2. Contestants must have copied and pasted the above image on there Facebook   
3. Prize is a 45" wide limited edition print on Fuji Flex professional paper
    including postage
4. Winner will be drawn at random from the list of fans on this page when
   website www.kirkhillephotography.com is live

Good Luck


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Youtube Channel

1 min read
I have created a youtube channel with short videos to show case my landscape photography .

The youtube channel is www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6qCes…

All Videos can be viewed in HD on the channel .

All the images were taken with Canon 5D MKII 24-70mm f2.8 USM L Lens and Lee Filters

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I have created a youtube channel with short videos to show case my landscape photography .

The youtube channel is www.youtube.com/user/kirkhille

All Videos can be viewed in HD on the channel .

All the images were taken with Canon 5D MKII 24-70mm f2.8 USM L Lens and Lee Filters


The other day I recieved my copy of the October Issue of DSLR photography in the mail . On page 27 I have had my Matilda Bay boat house image featured in the reader-show case section :)

DSLR Photography Photo Publish by Furiousxr

Sorry been a bit quite latley and havent uploaded any new images have been a bit preoccupied with other things going on at the moment , will have some more image from the United States up soon I promise  .

On another note I have just been featured on the Wangle Website www.wangle.com.au/slideshow/th… its a West Australia website that publishes opinions from prominent and every day Australians.  They also feature fashion, reviews, style tips, photography, art and much more.

Wangle Feature by Furiousxr


When I got back from America last week , I had a nice surprise , of  parcel waiting for me from Amsterdam .

And no its not what most people think a parcel from Amsterdam contained . It was a copy of a Danish Aurthur’s book who I had agreed to use my image of the Matilda Bay boat house as the cover .

The Aurthur name is Pia Juul and the book is called En Weg is Jij , the book is unfortantly in dutch but I have been told it is Thriller /murder /mystery novel .

To see a picture of it at kirkhille.wordpress.com/

More images and specials at Face Book Fan page www.facebook.com/pages/Kirk-Hi…


Though I would just do a quick post on some amazing landscape video taken on the Canon 5D MKII .
The footage is taken by Mike fletcher , Christian Fletchers brother (for those who know of him) .
Worth checking out in HD.
Will hopefully have some new images coming soon .


Other news is one of my photos is now the new backdrop for the Channel Nine News in Western Australia . I was quite shocked when they contacted me at the start of the year about my photos . And now my Sunrise Perth II Sunrise Perth II by Furiousxr is the new backdrop of the channel nine news :) Channel 9 Screen Shots by Furiousxr
They have dropped a blue gradient through the sky to fit in with the color theme of the news desk but its a huge amount of publicity .

Also one someone nominated my blog here bloggerschoiceawards.com/blogs… ; it would be appreciated if you have the time to vote for it, it only takes a couple of minutes.

Also as I have time would like to do a feature on some of my favourite photographers on Deviant Art they are must watch. There are many more on here but this was all I had time to feature today

:iconvincentfavre: Vincent Favre
MatterhornS by vincentfavre Quirlies water by vincentfavre   Reou d'Arsine by vincentfavre And the water flows... by vincentfavre

:iconhougaard: Hougaard Malan
Simonsberg by hougaard   Valley of Desolation by hougaard   Slangkop Lighthouse by hougaard   Rows by hougaard

:iconxavierjamonet: Xavier Jamonet
Quirlies creek by XavierJamonet   Patagonia? by XavierJamonet   Tuscany sunrise by XavierJamonet   Under the storm by XavierJamonet

:iconandymumford: Andy Mumford
:thumb99973658:  :thumb67540796:  :thumb46570727:  :thumb70795682:

:iconsamuelbitton: Samuel Bitton
Vaudoise Riviera by samuelbitton    Eiger by samuelbitton   Aiguille Verte by samuelbitton    Lacs de Fenetre by samuelbitton

My Twitter: twitter.com/Kirkhille

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Panorama Tips

5 min read
Well I'm not one for journal entries as find it hard to find the time for them. But after a lot of people requesting and asking for this I have finally done a Photography Tip on How I Take My Panoramas.

The entry can be found at my blog kirkhille.wordpress.com/ and on the right hand side there will be a link to Photography Tips.
Hopefully some of the tips in there will help beginners and people struggling with taking panoramas. If there is anything I have forgoton on the tips feel free to note me .

I will try and make some more time over the next month to update the tips with how to stitch the shots on together and hopefully have some more along the way . But will be pretty busy over the next few months with a few photography trips planned , my website being developed and a few other side projects plus work on top of all that plus some reshoots of shots I have taken now that I have my 5D MKII and some new lens .

Also one someone nominated my blog here bloggerschoiceawards.com/blogs…; it would be appreciated if you have the time to vote for it, it only takes a couple of minutes.

Also as I have time would like to do a feature on some of my favourite photographers on Deviant Art they are must watch. There are many more on here but this was all I had time to feature today

:iconvincentfavre: Vincent Favre
MatterhornS by vincentfavre Quirlies water by vincentfavre   Reou d'Arsine by vincentfavre And the water flows... by vincentfavre

:iconhougaard: Hougaard Malan
Simonsberg by hougaard   Valley of Desolation by hougaard   Slangkop Lighthouse by hougaard   Rows by hougaard

:iconxavierjamonet: Xavier Jamonet
Quirlies creek by XavierJamonet   Patagonia? by XavierJamonet   Tuscany sunrise by XavierJamonet   Under the storm by XavierJamonet

:iconandymumford: Andy Mumford
:thumb99973658:  :thumb67540796:  :thumb46570727:  :thumb70795682:

:iconsamuelbitton: Samuel Bitton
Vaudoise Riviera by samuelbitton    Eiger by samuelbitton   Aiguille Verte by samuelbitton    Lacs de Fenetre by samuelbitton

My site was nominated for Best Photography Blog!
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Just got an email from a friend of mine to say he saw my work on Smash and Pea , never heard of the site before so went to check in out and they have done a showcase feature of my work online www.smashandpeas.com/breathtak… .

Had a quick look through the rest of the site and they have some pretty intreseting articals and tips which might help a lot of begginer photographers out .

My site was nominated for Best Photography Blog!
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RAW Interview by Furiousxr, journal

Youtube Channel by Furiousxr, journal

Digital SLR Photography Reader-showcase by Furiousxr, journal

Panorama Tips by Furiousxr, journal

Smash and Pea Feature by Furiousxr, journal