Stellina on DeviantartFurgur on DeviantArt

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Stellina on Deviantart



This is a tribute to the beautiful girl Stellina here on Deviantart that i were honored to do a portrait off.
I didnt want to make a copy of her pictures so i took elements from some of her pictures to make this drawing.
I choosed to make it in greyscale for my fathers computer that i worked on doesnt have any internet connection.
I had to print out black and white prints of her pictures so i could work after them. When i have sparetime from my school and have bought a new wacomboard for my computer i will make it in color.

It is made first with ballpointpenn and then its scanned in to Photoshop and have been digitalpainted there.
I saved some of my sketchlines so the picture would feel more alive.

Thank you so much for accepting me to do this portrait of you:hug:
I hope that you are satisfied with this picture Stellina!

link to Stellinas gallery: [link]
Image size
552x800px 123.68 KB
© 2005 - 2025 Furgur
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Altrial's avatar
:O bra gjort!!