.:Adoptable Batch #1 - Elemental Wolves:.FureaKitsume on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fureakitsume/art/Adoptable-Batch-1-Elemental-Wolves-622277557FureaKitsume

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.:Adoptable Batch #1 - Elemental Wolves:.



Here are some of the Elemental Wolves that have survived and started their own pack called: Elementals! :boogie: There are currently 6 right now. and like I said I the journal: It's ok if you don't have any Points I'll update and hold till you get points! ^^
1. You can Tweak the adoptable you buyed from points a bit.
2. Once you purchased the adoptable you can't ask for refund.
3. You can turn the adoptable into a mobian if you're a Sonic Fan or wanting a Sonic OC.
4. Higher bids of points will be updated when commented.
5. No rude or mean comments about the adoptables.
6. If you have any questions about Adoptables Batch, ask me on my profile page!
7. Have fun bidding! :D

.:About the Necklace Color:.
Normal Grey - Warrior
Light Grey - Apprentice
White - Newbie
Dark Grey - Skilled/Experienced(A.K.A Hunter)
Blood Red - Deputy
Green - Co-Leader(A.K.A Omega)
Blue - Leader(A.K.A Alpha)

.:About the Special Features.:
Wings - Unique Elemental Wolf
Spikes and/or Horns - Mystic Elemental Wolf
Any Mechanical Parts - Legendary Elemental Wolf
Damaged Parts - Normal Elemental Wolf that Fought in the Past
Without Wings, Mechanical Parts and Spikes/Horns  - Normal Elemental Wolf

1. Amaia - Mystic Elemental Wolf, Gender: Female, Element: Poison, Rank: Warrior. SOLD TO: :iconstephenthehunter: 
2. Ash - Legendary Elemental Wolf, Fought in the past, Gender: Male, Element: Dark, Rank: Deputy. SOLD TO: :iconlunabellalcatraz:
3. Skyler - Normal Elemental Wolf, Gender: Male, Element: Air, Rank: Hunter(Skilled/Experienced). Worth 70Points(Or Higher) 
4. Flare - Unique Elemental Wolf, Gender: Female, Element: Fire, Rank: Leader. Worth 100Points(Or lower) 
5. Kraito - Unique Elemental Wolf, Gender: Male, Element: Water, Rank: Co-Leader. Worth around 100-110Points(Or Lower)
6. Flashka - Normal Elemental Wolf, Gender: Female, Element: Lightning, Rank: Apprentice. Worth 50Points(Or Higher).
Canine Base Lineart (C) :iconjeniak:
Link to Lineart: jeniak.deviantart.com/art/FREE…
Image size
1561x1064px 111.88 KB
© 2016 - 2025 FureaKitsume
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SnowflakeWinterWolf's avatar
I want Skyler or Flare but i dont know how to get points