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Her name is Mazal Tahv, which in canon allegedly means "good fortune from the stars" in an ancient forgotten proto-elvish tongue. (Pronounced mazel tov. Because yes.) She adopted the name "Tahv" after learning of this phrase, and she no longer uses the name of her House from the Underdark, nor does she speak of that to anyone.
She is a 121-year-old Drow grave domain cleric WITHOUT darkvision, who migrated to the surface because of this disability and its social consequences (which included being marked for sacrifice by Lolth). She settled down for a while in Lighthaven, a general sanctuary for Underdark refugees/escapees and travelers, where she became an apprentice embalmer and novice healer.
But our campaign's premise began with everyone in maximum security prison so of course I made her grow into an awful felon. BUT, her backstory is now so elaborate that I've begun to craft an entire world with her as just one of many many characters. So there is a lot to be said about her. Long story short, she was imprisoned for the desecration of the tomb and body of the people's beloved days-deceased Lady Solanthia, with whom she was ambiguously romantically involved... or so she would have you believe. She is not a reliable source or narrator. She is charming though.
I think I'll just start posting entries/snippets of the writing that is the actual story because that's where all of my good effortful stuff is.