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FullMetalPanicAttack's avatar

Spirited Away - DOTM poll winner



Winner of the November "draw of the month" poll! Morrigan, from Dragon Age!

Morrigan got separated from the Warden's party in a dark forest. But this was no ordinary forest; the Veil is thin, allowing spirits to more easily pass through. In the blink of an eye, a shadow leaps from behind and snatches Morrigan, dragging her back through the Veil! Now she finds herself trapped in the spirit realm known as the Fade, and in the clutches of a demon! It considers a talented mage like Morrigan to be a tasty morsel...

Patreon-only topless alts!

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2447x3152px 3.47 MB
© 2024 - 2025 FullMetalPanicAttack
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LoneWolf218's avatar

For a moment, I thought that was a Geth grabbing Morrigan, and I thought it was going to be a funny crossover. But a shade is fun too, especially when it gives us such a nice view of Morrigan's lovely body :P