Hypersomnia, the Bane of my LifeFukuyamaKazuharu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fukuyamakazuharu/art/Hypersomnia-the-Bane-of-my-Life-718349281FukuyamaKazuharu

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Hypersomnia, the Bane of my Life



...is back to full glory. Since MV has ended and I returned from my trip, I not only couldn't begin my activity here, but it turns out I couldn't even be active here to begin with (well, up to now that I'm back again). Being back to a routine, my body noticed that there's no more MV, so I don't need to sacrifice my sleep anymore... well, then I started sleeping for like 12 hours every single day, nonstop. My body loves sleep too much, and I only managed to brush it off to be able to return here by now. Sorry.

I also got depressed that everything I built on MV is gone forever (I saved everything I can but still gone), that I have to begin here anew without being able to use the drawing tool I relied so much on, the voice of my dreams is dead (Tsumu Hiromi), one of my Goddesses has been murdered by disgusting manchildren, and I got sick for a lot of days as well.

I have no idea how insomnia feels like, why is it so common anyway? I wish I could have it, because I keep wasting my life sleeping.

I hope this half-assed drawing marks my true beginning this time around. I need to get my message of love (and butts, and sex) to the world.
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