10.000 calloriesFukari on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fukari/art/10-000-callories-508555789Fukari

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10.000 callories



Off in her recent work. she dropped her job in 'gentlemen-night-club' (she was waitress but also did some pole dancing - with her skinny body it was quite funny, she was rather a mascot than a real dancer) and now she's working as a waitress in cheap bar with cheap food. the main customers are local workermen who want to eat a nutritious and calloric food before going back to their hard work.

Off really likes this place. of course it's not even in 10% as elegant as that night club where she used to work, but the people are nice and the customers really like her - some of the workmen are trying  to flirt with her but it's more for fun than for real.

after Off started to live in a small flat with Vadera, goth girl suggested that V can work with her in that bar. so now both girs work together. you should see all the happy workmen's faces when girls are serving food to them!

_ _ _

.:Bullet:. Patreon if you want to see .psd file of this drawing (with all layers!) - it's available at my patreon account www.patreon.com/fuki c: support me there for more cool stuff~!
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CanRay's avatar

Much healthier place!  So very glad she works there now!