Dragonball BTtL - BreakFTCFic on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ftcfic/art/Dragonball-BTtL-Break-566635953FTCFic

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Dragonball BTtL - Break



I've been reading and Dragonball Z fanfic called "Break Through the Limit" written by Captain Space. It's a phenomenal alternate universe story about Raditz actually becoming a hero and living on Earth with Goku and the others. In its depiction of the Andriod saga, Raditz's daughter, Break, comes back in time to warn the heroes instead of Trunks. Based on this design, I'm sure anybody who's a Dragonball fan can guess who her mother is.

I love this character, so I drew this quick model sheet of what I think she looks like based in what I read in chapter 20.  The top right is just to show why her bangs are long in the front; she has her father’s widow's peak. The bottom right is her Super Sayian form.

I highly recommend this story to anyone who's a Raditz fan or a DBZ fan in general, as this story has many interesting ideas and is very entertaining.

You can check the fanfic out here www.fanfiction.net/s/8400080/1…

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JacktheCat779's avatar

Managed to read the full fic? If so planning on drawing any of the original characters? I would kill for some pics of Alpha Shenron, Entropy, Samsara I think her name was, and Void.