AkashaFrozenStarART on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/frozenstarart/art/Akasha-181463098FrozenStarART

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Honest to God, I haven't been quite this proud of one of my works in a very VERY long time.
Worked on this 6h straight, changing things again and again because I wanted it to be just perfect!

For Methyss's "Anne Rice Contest". For details, read her journal elvenspot.deviantart.com/journ…

"Akasha is the very first vampire created.

As told in the novel, Akasha was originally from Uruk, or modern-day Iraq. She rose to become a Queen in Kemet, the land that would eventually become Egypt; she and her husband King Enkil wanted their people to turn away from their cannibalistic ways and encourage the eating of grains. Rice describes Akasha as a lovely young woman who was "almost too pretty to be truly beautiful, for her prettiness overcame any sense of majesty or deep mystery." Underneath her physical beauty, Akasha is a fundamentally dark, empty, nihilistic person with no sense of morality, ethics, or human compassion; her actions are almost always based on her insatiable need to fill her own inner emptiness."
- source Wikipedia

:bulletpurple: Stock: :bulletpurple:
Model Stock: asvison - no longer available
Bra and headpiece - rendered in Poser and heavily edited in Photoshop
the rest my own resources + painted

For curious eyes, I put together the source files if you'd care to look www.frozenstarro.net/hosted_fi…
Image size
509x800px 270.94 KB
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