Executioner ADOPTEDFrozenFeather on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/frozenfeather/art/Executioner-ADOPTED-560406903FrozenFeather

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FrozenFeather's avatar

Executioner ADOPTED



:iconicetrainer: NOW OWNS!

saw it in a dream, it's a bird based off a medieval executioner.

these pokemon are really vicious and mean. they love attack others. they have really sharp beaks that they use to attack. they like to be alone, except they gather in large groups to attack a particularly large opponent.

they are steel/dark type

the first evolves into the second after it makes 100 pokemon faint
Image size
1616x1196px 476.07 KB
Canon MG5500 series
Date Taken
Sep 14, 2015, 10:04:44 PM
© 2015 - 2025 FrozenFeather
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The-Andrew2014's avatar
:(When I feel very sad
I feel like...(Too much Sadness)
The excess of sadness caused a lot of deaths of the world
They are mean
But nice artwork:thumbsup:
I think when people misscomunicate, they must forgive among all the misunderstandings
That caused rare times a lot of sadness in people.

NOTE: Uhhh is so evilEVIL Laughter!