Pauxolai Male and FemaleFrostGhidorah on DeviantArt

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FrostGhidorah's avatar

Pauxolai Male and Female



I present to you my own alien species the Pauxolai. A species hailing from a far larger world with heavier gravity then are an intelligent race seeking to understand the world. On their bodies are strange gems. Where these gems came from is lost to time but these gems allow the Pauxolai to do many things. From psychokinesis and telepathy to energy beams. Much like crystal gems their appearances resembles humans with bizarre skin tones however Pauxolai have six fingers, hair that moves and stretches like tendrils and a strange third eye in the center of their head.

And yes if you're curious these are the people who created the gems that my giant characters have. However those were brought to earth by Shandri Bostel (my blue Pauxolai girl).
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© 2018 - 2025 FrostGhidorah
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broku5000's avatar
Yeah, that sounds cool. XD

Sounds like a rival race for the Synlakus. Lol