FROG-and-TOAD's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional // Varied
Birthday '19: Celebrated DeviantArt's 19th birthday
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (481)
I've seen it: It's Coming -- Stay Tuned!
truth® Artist Collective: I joined the truth® Artist Collective
birthdAy '14: Celebrated DeviantArt's 14th birthday
My Bio

Bienvenue dans notre Monde Créatif.
Notre mission est d'animer le potentiel d'imagination que chacun porte en soi et de renforcer le lien entre l'âge adulte et l'enfance.

Welcome to our Creative World.
Our mission is to bridge the gap of imagination and strengthen the bond between adulthood and childhood.

Suivez-nous sur / Follow us on :

Favourite Writers
FROG - Süskind. TOAD - Tolkien, Pratchett, H G Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, etc, etc, etc.
Favourite Games
Chess & board games.
Favourite Gaming Platform
FROG and TOAD - Grass
Tools of the Trade
We both start with a pencil and paper. FROG - Crochet hook, Yarn, Needle. TOAD - Illustrator, Photoshop and occasionally my Wacom Bamboo.
Other Interests
Cycle Touring, Camping, DIY & Recycling, Photography, Discovery & Adventure :)
🎗️ 🎗️In 2017, FROG and TOAD Créations will be involved for the first time with the association LE CANCER DU SEIN, PARLONS-EN ! From the 1st of October to the 31st of October 2017, 50% of all proceeds from our Hyacinth PDF pattern will be donated to : Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en ! En 2017, FROG and TOAD Créations, s'engage pour la première année auprès de l'association LE CANCER DU SEIN, PARLONS-EN ! Du premier 1er Octobre 2017 au 31 Octobre 2017, 50% des bénéfices des ventes de notre PDF Patron crochet JACINTHE , seront reversés à l'association Le Cancer du Sein, Parlons-en ! Nel 2017, FROG and TOAD Créations saranno c...
anonymous's avatar
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So the fantasic :iconbrookette: recently took time to ask me (FROG) a few questions and turned it into this wonderful feature interview for :iconcrartisancrafts: and :iconknitting-and-crochet: .I'm feeling rather honoured a immensely spoiled at the moment :)On a slightly different note. We're trying to gather a little momentum with our Facebook page, in order to mimic the wonderful support we've received here on DeviantArt and also to provide another platform for anyone looking to start or find the tools required for Amigurumi. This does not mean our loyalty towards DeviantArt is wavering, but our first aim is to help and encourage people ...
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So as the title suggests Frog recieved a Daily Deviation for her Snails March.We'd firstly like to thank Katinka Duval for suggesting :iconkatinka-duval: and also to Talty for featuring our art :icontalty: We're super busy at the moment preparing oodles of new products and setting up partnerships with distributors so please watch this space, visit our site, or drop us a message. Things are happening behind the scenes but we'll get back to everyone single one of you that has shown us support to date.In the meantime a massive thank you to DeviantArt for providing such a welcoming and friendly community that has been invaluable in encoura...
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Profile Comments 280

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JokerPenguinRiddler's avatar

I take it you are also a fan of Arnold Lobel's Frog and Toad books too

MYPeanutGallery's avatar
Pink Flowers by KmyGraphic

Thanks for the Fave!
MYPeanutGallery's avatar
Winter by KmyGraphic

Thanks for the Fave!
AmandaJayne00's avatar
Hello! I hope you don't mind my posting on your page today! I'd like to invite you to a brand new group; Pop Culture Crochet. I'd love to make this group a hub for all things crochet with a pop culture spin and I think some of your items would find the perfect home there :happybounce:
FROG-and-TOAD's avatar
It would be our pleasure :) We also sent you a private message ;)
Thanks for the watch and the fave!
cristell15's avatar
Many thanks for the watch! :)