How to Run Paint Tool Sai on a Mac by tsurime, journal
How to Run Paint Tool Sai on a Mac
EDIT EDIT: Added a small section on pen pressure. EDIT: More programs added at the end! For those who would rather try something other than Parallels. Since people were asking about it on my most recent deviation, here's how I managed to run Paint Tool Sai on my system with pen pressure. This is pretty much all taken from various tutorials, so if you read something you don't understand here, just google around and you should be able to find an answer. Also, I'm sure there are easier/different ways, but this is how it works for me. Software/hardware used : Paint Tool Sai, Windows XP iso, Parallels Desktop 8, 2012 Macbook Pro. I initially us...
Current Residence: Denmark Favourite genre of music: Almost everything is great. Favourite style of art: Manga-ish Favourite cartoon character: uhh.. I'm not sure!
Favourite Visual Artist
LoverOfPiggies,*frzdragon and Yougurt 8D yay
Favourite Movies
Batman - the dark knight!
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
CSkillet, Three days grace, Mariaharey, linkin park
Hello everyone! I just found a website where I'll be able to sell prints and what not, of my works!
But before I do, I just wondered what you guys think? :-) WHat would you like to see most, and what kind of products?
I know there'll be Iphone covers, Mugs, Pillows and frames with print available. :-)I know I've been very inactive for quite a while, I'll try to upload more in the future. Also I'm considering taking commisions, would anyone be up for that? :-) Anyways, I hope all of you have a great friday and weekend! :D Hugs! :heart:~Frodse
Hello guys! Wow I havn't used my journal for so long!
Weeeell, I was wondering what to draw (even though I'm working on 3 different pieces right now haha!)
and then I remembered I once used the "100 themes challenge"!I have to try that again! So here it goes!
Any drawing I've made for this so far, wont do anymore! haha, so I'll start all over!
Feel free to come up with ideas for any of them! :-)------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100 THEME CHALLENGE 1. Introduction
2. Childhood
3. Love
4. Rejection...
Hello guys!It's been a long time since I've updated, so here it is!I've finished my education his summer (took 4 years, phew!) and right now I'm looking for a job, and it is sooooo hard to get anything. :(
So I'm enjoying my self with all the free time I've gotten. :)I'm also hoping to be moving out from home sooner or later... whenever I do that, I am gonna get my self a doggie. :D And it's a seriously obsessing thought.... my friends and family are SOOO tired, hearing about dogs d: hehehe oh well!So..!! I'm thinking I wanna do something for some of you guys, I get a lot of questings about wether I take requests... I don't really do that...