Frodo--x--Sam's avatar


Frodo x Sam
Years Ago
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anonymous's avatar
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Ganymede1135's avatar

I love them both as devoted friends and as a ship (even if others do not see them as a couple).

TheKatUwU's avatar
AAAAAAAAAAAAA i wish this was an actual thing bUt ToO bAd this book was written in a time where being gay wasn't as accepted as it is now
LauraAthena's avatar
I can't even with how perfect the relationship is between these two. Ahhhhh... Whether they're gay or not (and I have nothing against either reading, I personally think Sam is bisexual and Frodo is homoromantic but asexual), their love is greater than anything in Middle Earth, and more believable and manifest than even Beren and Luthien. I just love their love though. 
Mesterveen's avatar
I want to join this group because I love Frodo and Sam...but I don't think they're gay .-.
Creamcheese-10's avatar
This is just to sad.
Firedakitteh's avatar
So is your grammar.
Creamcheese-10's avatar
God I wrote that fast and Frodo and Sam arefreaking not a thing, Sam just is loyal to Frodo not in love with him. Plus Sam got married so what up??? How can they like each other