Trip down memory lanefrillion on DeviantArt

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frillion's avatar

Trip down memory lane



At last, I'm done with this one.

This concept started out months ago with only an image of the face.

I was bored one day and decided to draw a doll-like face. After drawing it, I stopped for a long time...
I thought that this would be one of my "practices" and would remain as a sketch.

Well, a few months later, i decided to continue it.
It was the time where i was contemplative about my childhood life, Where everything seemed to be alive and bursting and full of happiness. That phase in life is slowly disappearing.
I've seen sorrow, difficulty and problems.
A child's life would never last forever in this planet.

So, I've created an image...fleeting image of childhood where all of us used to think that the world is an absolute place of goodness, happiness and joy.
Where the world was mysterious...full of surprises.

Now, we've discovered a lot of things that we regret having discovered.
Addiction, envy, greed, money...all the bad stuff.
Rotting the core of our once innocent and simple ideas about life.


Here's to childhood.
We started out as seeds,
Grew into trees,
bore fruits,
get attacked by termites and get cut down by illegal loggers,

And decompose...disappearing from existence.

Done with: Prismacolor pencils
Image size
5846x5970px 5.82 MB
© 2008 - 2025 frillion
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KnightAdz's avatar
Very colourful and really well done (the colour just adds to the idea of fun and happiness) . This piece is amazing.