Hiatus - OVER

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Freedom-Falling's avatar
Hey everyone! Or rather, those of you that are still sticking around...

I am back.

Yes, for those of you that are friends or followers I have returned. I took an unexpected 8 year hiatus or something to that equivalent. Why? Well..honestly, things got really hard for me. There were times I didn't have a computer or even internet. There was a lot of moving around during those  8 years, lots of decisions, depression, and I got out of touch with everything I had enjoyed most. 

However, now that I'm back, it's safe for me to say that things are great! Nearly 5 years ago I moved from California to South Carolina and am so glad I did. I met the love of my life a couple months after that and then just last year we had our first baby in October. I went from having literally nothing but a suitcase with some crappy clothes in it and some books to having everything I need and want. Including finally, my very own camera. 

Having a baby makes things hard to do, but now that shes getting a little older (almost 7 months) I am able to get back into the things I love. My fiance got me a very nice and new to me camera, a Canon Rebel T5i (which is awesome to me ok) and am looking into starting up my stock photography posts again soon. Also my stock rules have changed so please read my status on my page. As well as I need to go through all of my stock and pick out what to keep and what to toss. There are a lot of pretty questionable photos as far as quality and poses go, so I'm sorry to say but a lot of my stock will be deleted. If you still have it somewhere on an old save, that's fine, you can still use it how you please. I am also going through the slow and painful process of editing all my stock with the new and updated rules. So if you see my stock that doesn't have the new rules, please ignore that old shit!

Thanks to all my longtime friends and followers..I'm hoping to make new ones and rekindle some former friendships that I had on here when I was a young and lost 21 year old. I couldn't have done it without you guys! Please, PLEASE message me if you have any questions or anything at all and keep your eyes peeled for some new interesting animal, texture and landscape stock coming soon.

© 2018 - 2025 Freedom-Falling

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