I am sorry for the late reply! But im not 100% sure if I have come across a bridge like that. I would say check Bowlroll but im not gonna lie idk if theyre is any on there as well. I am sorry if this was helpful or not
So from what I can remember using the files, have you tried exporting with blender first. I did export years ago so Im not 100% sure on the steps right away. But https://www.reddit.com/r/mikumikudance/comments/ovuyh9/obj_files_to_pmx_files/ has some helpful comments hopefully one of them helps
Hello, I sadly do not know, I am on windows 10 so I dont know much on windows 11. I do hope someone can help that knows a little more. But I have had a few problems with saves and .pmm. It might just have to do with either moving of models, renaming files things like that