I spent my youth on the country and live in a large town now- such opposite impressions inspirate a lot.
I still love nature and birds singing and the sky and the Woods and the sun and rain. I like dirty industrial atmosphere, outskirts and crowded subway stations too.
I like a cosy Little home to be alone finally with a coffee and a cigarette, too
...besides working in factories and shipping trades to stay in touch with real life and earn money, and temporarily visiting a University to find it boring, the more I keep feeling inspired by Music -- I´m not fixed on a certain genre, from 60ties to 90ties you can find good or excellent stuff, and even genius moments. To be true, I still prefer 70ties fairy-telling psychedelic like Genesis, english Punk like Leatherface, and old school Rave/Trance/Goa-Music. I still can play a guitar or Dance to Trance, but not for days and night anymore-- some day in your life you get more calm and introverted and find that drawing and painting is "a silent form of Music" -and I guess I even brought some talent for it with me. I remember my grandpa doing these very accurate pencil sketches of old buildings and Castles and ships, and I watched it carefully- while we kids grew up with comic strips, but maybe all of that could be combined ?
As you all know, you need to be focussed and switch off the phone, for that, and best do it when the town around you is asleep to crawl deeper into fantasy.
I found back to memories, like playing "native indians" when we were kids, to old films and especially Comic/ Cartoon stuff I once knew, surrounsings i liked, also to girls I knew.
I like girls, but they come and go, just don´t try to understand them.
Then, fantasy characters infiltratet my mind like: Miki the pretty but unsuccessful private detective and chronic damsel; Mrs Fisher the teacher of a rude bunch of adrenalin controlled lads of 16 whom she somehow likes to tease, though unintentionally; The Toad as the kind of nasty elderly "aunt" who likes molesting captured young cuties - in fact finally I invented "Fred Kaluppke" as a kind of my Alter Ego acting through Comic stories (full stories are yet to be completed) - a loner and a simple-minded caretaker of several old buildings with secret scary basements where he takes the damsels he kidnapped from the street to suffer bondage.
That´s it for today. I look Forward to elvolve better stories, more variation in subjects, more accurate technique in painting, find allies on dA (I found some, actually, o: they found me..thank you for being there ...) and somehow keep the non-mainstream and crazy kinds of art going on, together with you. The world Needs More Fantasy
a pleasure
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