Favourite Visual Artist
Alphonse Mucha; Jim Lee; Kenneth Rocafort; Frederick Church; Albrecht Durer; Arthur Rackham; Brian Froud; Jessica Peffer
Favourite Movies
Blade Runner 2049
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
STARSET; Sleep Token; Northlane
Favourite Books
Favourite Writers
Brandon Sanderson; George R. R. Martin; Mercedes Lackey
Favourite Games
Deus Ex; Destiny 2; Final Fantasy; Kingdom Hearts; Batman; Portal 2; The Legend of Zelda; Super Smash Bros; Transistor; Ori
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Digital; Ink; Watercolor; Intaglio; Acrylic; Scratchboard; Book-Binding
Other Interests
Writing, Eating, and Laughing