Cursed Villain (77)FPExShilohAndBros on DeviantArt

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Cursed Villain (77)



Yeah, I'm not the only one who hates Insane Shadow for the hell he put Alex through, am I?

Also, the reason Aiden is asking if the others (Judah, Micah, Elijah, Josiah, William, Mary, Israel, Britney, Jocelyn, Nina, and Michelle) could do it is because he still has PTSD from fighting Mr. Puzzles.

(Alex and Insane Shadow were made by @Digitalgamerpro )

(Pinkcloud was made by @pinkcloudGacha )

(Aiden Sparks was made by @Teezy1930 )

(TCEBendy was made by @BendytheTCEGuy )

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