Cursed Villain (100)FPExShilohAndBros on DeviantArt

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FPExShilohAndBros's avatar

Cursed Villain (100)



First off, were in the triple digits of Cursed Villain.

Second, this is leading up to the fights at the end.

Thirdly, wow, is Mr. Void's death quick.

And Fourthly, The deaths I have planned for Steven and Insane Shadow are not going to be quick. Like, at all.

(Pinkcloud and Mr. Void were made by @pinkcloudGacha )

(Alex was made by @Digitalgamerpro )

(Aiden Sparks was made by @Teezy1930 )

(TCEBendy was made by @BendytheTCEGuy )

(Also, the Frosty Four's idea is to attack, one after the other, to give them no time to breathe

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BendytheTCEGuy's avatar

Hoo boy, I wonder how Steven's gonna die? Like Mahura's gonna do the same thing like she did to Mr. Void, or teleport Steven to the lake with no shore or cliff to escape?