I will happily talk to you all, via note, comment or whatever, I like company and feedback. It's essential to a writers journey.
I'm member of:
#GetWatchers help artists to share their creativity, increase their audience and get more feedback by getting more exposure and pageviews. If you want more exposure of your arts, constructive critics, watchers and/or if you would like to discover new talented artists, come join us ointr: Here ointl:.
Also I don't think I've been clear enough, if you want to thank me for favouriting or whatever please comment in my favourites section AND NOT JUST ON THE PROFILE. I wanna use the profile for chats and brainstorming, sorry for appearing rude but I have said before and I've apparently been ignored.
And on advice from a person to make my point clear
Current Residence: england, sunderland
Favourite genre of music: i like what i like
Favourite photographer: the guy at the prom
Favourite style of art: emotive
Operating System: vista
MP3 player of choice: phillips
Shell of choice: WTF
Wallpaper of choice: WTF
Skin of choice: now c'mon what kind of question is that
Favourite cartoon character: N/A
Personal Quote: When you have nothing ,you have nothing to lose
Happy Actual Birthday!!
Thank you my lovely
Which of the to songs was your favorite?
Always a sucker for wander over yonder
Happy Birthday!
Thank you so much
Happy Birthday