The Unlucky ReceptionistMichaela Brown was a receptionist at the prestigious Rouge Hotel. It was great pay for sitting on her ass painting her long sexy toenails and occasionally answering the phone. However, her apartment was nearly two miles away and with her car in the shop for the forth time this month, Michaela found herself reluctantly walking to work. Unfortunately for her crimson stiletto heels were part of the uniform and after only a quarter mile Michaela's soft size five feet were killing her.She glanced at her watch and decided to sit on a bench outside the bistro for a minute. She sat down and immediately kicked her shoes off,...
Amelia loved her job. The Barefoot Club was an amazing nightclub at the far end of town that catered to a special kind of woman. Women came from out of state to enjoy the services that Amelia and the other girls provided. This special club was devoted entirely to the pampering and downright worship of female feet.Amelia admired the crimson pedicure one of the other girls had given her during downtime the other night and gave her long pale toes a satisfied wiggle before slipping her smooth size five feet into her patent black high heels and stepped out of her dressing room. The clubs main room was quiet; some of the girls had their heels ki...
Firefly Fan story- The Missing BootsEver since she could remember, River had enjoyed going barefoot whenever she could. Whether it was getting her delicate soles filthy by running through the wheat fields on the outskirts of her home world of Osiris or letting her long, slender toes sink into the luxury sheepskin rug by the fireplace. Even now, travelling aboard the K-64 Firefly transport Serenity, River found every excuse in the 'verse to keep her toes bare and free. Walking along the cold and smooth deck plates by Simon's infirmary sent shivers up through her bare soles and kept River from drifting into one of her waking nightmares about...
Professor gets tickled'Don't forget your essays due next week. Class dismissed.' Professor Paige called to her students as they began to eagerly stuff their books back into their bags. Paige tutored at the Brine-head College for girls and knew that all of her students saw her as a complete hard ass. However, the professor was barely thirty herself and took this title indignantly because of how she had tried to bond with her class. She was strict but at a school where it cost thousands a year for the girls to attend, strictness was the only way to get the girls through their exams.Paige watched as the all too familiar trio of thorns in her ...
Zoe and Rochelle from Left 4 DeadThe constant moan of the zombies always made sleep difficult but since Rochelle had witnessed the deaths of her friends at their decomposing hands sleep was impossible. Things had been better since meeting up with Zoe but even with her on guard duty sleep was eluding the young production assistant. Rochelle realised that part of her problem was her calf length leather boots. They were growing uncomfortable because she had been unable to take them off for nearly a week.Deciding things were as safe as they were going to be, Rochelle submitted to an urge to take her boots off. She started with her left boot, w...
In a RushGemma Jones was late for late for work, again. She had managed to grab a shower and some cereal in record time and now the young restaurant manageress was focused on choosing a skirt and blouse out of her wardrobe. After a couple of minutes of indecision, Gemma chose a conservative black skirt with a smart red blouse and pulled them on whilst trying to brush her long dark hair at the same time. Gemma then rushed for her shoe closet and pulled out the first pair of black high heels she could find and wiggled her deeply tanned toes into them and ran for the door. Her driver's license had been suspended for speed violations so Gemma ...
The Feet of Diplomacy- A Princess Leia StoryThis story is set two years after the Battle of YavinThe thing about galactic politics was that it never ceased, not even during a civil war. Ever since the Rebellion had destroyed the Death Star over Yavin, Princess Leia Organa had become the Alliances official go-between when it came to convincing planets to join their cause. So, Leia found herself sat in the drab passenger bay of a Carrack Light Cruiser that had been liberated early on in the war, waiting for the tedious trip through hyperspace to end and for the negotiations to begin. She was wearing her favourite white ceremonial gown with a...
A booby trap for a teacherEver since he had joined her art class at the beginning of the year, Michael had wanted to see Miss Robinson's bare feet. Every lesson, she would walk through the door wearing a stylish pair of black ballet flats with lace bows on the toes and a pair of completely opaque black socks on her small feet. Michael would sit in the corner every lesson and watch Miss Robinson allow her flats to slightly slip off the backs of her socked heels or cross her legs and perform exquisite heel pops. However she had never come to a class without a pair of socks on and she had never allowed her pretty little shoes to ever slip off...
Resident Evil: TicklesDramatis PersonaeRebecca Chambers- S.T.AR.S. MemberJill Valentine- S.T.A.R.S. MemberBoy this mansions creepy, Rebecca Chambers thought as she moved cautiously through one of the houses first floor bedrooms. Her green combat boots made each floor board creek unbearably and Rebecca kept expecting one of the marauding zombies to come bursting in and feast on her pale flesh. However no un-dead diner presented itself so Chambers forced herself to relax and headed for the door at the far end of the room.Suddenly, the floorboards beneath Rebecca's size five booted feet began to tremble and green tentacles burst from beneath...