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Name: Calcifer

Nicknames: Cal, Bats 

Owner: Finnick Lassiter

Species: Noibat #714 Noibat 

Gender: Male

Ability: Infiltrator - The protections and stat boosts caused by the moves Substitute, Reflect, Light Screen and Safeguard by the opponent are ignored. 

Level: 5


Type Normal - Screech

Type Dark - Bite

Type Dark - Thief (TM)

Type Flying - Wing Attack

:bat: :History: :bat:   

It has been a long painful journey finding his way out of the caves. He just wanted to see sunlight again, roll on the grass, climb a tree, be out in the open air. And there it was, the light at the end of the tunnel, the glimpse of freedom he had been praying for. He took off in a full sprint, leaving the blue Mew lady and his ponyta behind him. At last, freedom, fresh air, blue skies, the sounds of the trees rustling around them. Finnick felt like a little kid again, laughing and jumping for joy. That was until Kalypso stopped him. 

"Aye, Finn?"


"Ye got....a friend, on yer back-"

And with this the boy proceeded to flip, trying to get the whatever it was that was latched on, off of him. It was at an awkward place where Finn couldn't reach it, Kalypso and Brego just watching and exchanging glances while the lucario scrambled. At last the Mew walked over, pulling the small ball of fluff from his back. 

"Ye got no need to make a fuss, I woulda plucked him long ago had he been lookin' to do ya harm. Look at 'im, Finn, he's adorable! And he likes you!”

The little ball of purple fluff looked up at the blue, blinking with his big blue glowing orbs for eyes. His little two clawed hands reached up and held her finger. Meanwhile, Finn looked utterly confused, wondering how on earth he didn’t feel or see that earlier. 

“…Why is it blue?”

"Finn, yer in a glowing forest-filled cave. Nothing here makes sense. All I know is that he looks about ready to stay with ya.”

The boy tilted his head, before reaching over and holding up the small glowing dragon bat thing. The little bat reached over to Fin, putting its little claws on his nose to hold it. 

“…I’m gonna name him Kal. But I’m also gonna name him Satan for scaring me. Sooooo Calcifer.” 

"Ya could always just call 'im Lucifer, cut down on the confusion another Cal will bring me.”

“Lucifer is a dumb name, I like Calcifer.”

She sighed with a good natured smile and a roll of her eyes, "Calcifer it is, love."

:bat:  Extras:

Bullet; Blue Finnick combined two names to get Calcifer's. Kalypso and Lucifer. Calcifer 

Bullet; Blue Calcifer has biolumiecent features thanks to eating a glowing mushroom from the Cave Event. 

Bullet; Blue Cal loves fruit and tummy scratches. 

Bullet; Blue Cal is very small, only reaching a foot tall. He rides around in Fin's hood, pockets, or on his shoulder. 

Bullet; Blue A true thief, Cal will steal without hesitation, searching people for food and/or shiny objects. 

Bullet; Blue Cal cannot sing, but he can scream. Sensitive hearer's beware, as this bat can emit ultrasonic sound waves of 200,000 hertz. Cal screams when he is hungry. Keep fed or else. 

Calcifer © Foxikel
Noibat © Nintendo
Image size
3277x2259px 7.73 MB
© 2017 - 2025 Foxikel
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Sir-Pudge's avatar
You got the light up cutie in yay!