Saint Saga Sister KynaFoxgearstudios on DeviantArt

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Saint Saga Sister Kyna



The oldest Foster daughter of Mother Lyn, Kyna Meachaz, a fiery half Salamander Elf that was left on the steps of the orphanage at age 7. She's loves her mother and sisters and is willing to do anything she can to ensure they're safe and taken care of. When the funds of the orphanage were cut off. She took on monster slaying work, and modeling for the Flower elf Aoi for extra money. 

Being a half salamander Kyna can manipulate fire naturally. However she has no love for her Full blooded Salamander Kin, resenting them for abandoning her. Kyna can produce almost limitless amounts of fire, but if her hair is wet she can't use her powers. 

Kyna and Cathey were the only orphans for a number of years and the two share a close bond considering each other true sisters. 

When Hazel first arrives in Evansburg, Kyna treats her coldly, but warms up to her as they spend time together, silently accepting her as a little sister. 

After the Beast incident, Kyna is made the acting Sister of the Evansburg fourth Rung church with Cathey by Saint Jeanette. They were also inducted into the Silver Rose order. 
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