Infinite DreamsFoxfires on DeviantArt

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Infinite Dreams



"In my sky at twilight you are like a cloud
and your form and color are the way I love them.....
and in your life my infinite dreams live." Pablo Neruda

I have absolutely loved 's celestial artwork. He offers up some of his beautiful works as resource files in his scraps gallery, for personal and non-profit use. I have been wanting to create a piece like this for quite awhile, but I always imagined more in it. But once I got to this point... I just couldn't add any more. The simplicity of it spoke to me louder than any more embellishment I could add. I hope you feel the same when you see it.

Thanks to the following stock artists:

Model: Original stock photo: [link]

Celestial backgrounds:

Textures: , found at
Image size
1500x441px 574.01 KB
© 2006 - 2025 Foxfires
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