HavocFoxeye on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/foxeye/art/Havoc-205953531Foxeye

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One of my oldest, and best-loved, D&D characters, Havoc, and her +4 bastard sword Rosethorn. In the real world she'd be one of those people who would either be in jail for manslaughter, or in the military where her bloodthirst would be given the thumbs up.

While that part of her personality horrifies me, her ruthlessness always appealed to me. I suspect a bit of her lives on in Foxeye. Those two ladies would have a serious taciturn-down.
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© 2011 - 2025 Foxeye
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aalyvewyyre's avatar
LOVE this! The perspective is awesome and I just love the colors! Her look warns all who would come near not to even THINK about tryin' it! ;)

Great job, Foxeye! Miss ya! :heart: