This will be the third year I have done this, and I want to keep it a tradition. .U.
Feel free to fill out and complete yourself, if you want!
People that are Alive
1. My Mom, my most beautiful, most bestest friend. <3
2. My dad, who has made an amazing turnaround the last few years.
3. Candice, who has sorta been my spiritual anchor for a while now.
4. Latycia, who I'm pretty sure is my spirit animal...
5. Hannahbelle, you sexy-sweet goth-gal!
7. Deiter F. Uchtdorf
8. Thomas S. Monson
9. Okay, all my extended family...
10. Shane Acker |D
People that have Passed Away
11. Rulon Briggs
12. Robert Bradley
13. Clyde Briggs
14. Gordon B. Hinkly
15. Joseph Smith
16. my Grandma Lou
17. the Founding Fathers
18. C. S. Lewis
19. Handel
20. Emma Smith
Physical Abilities
21. All my artistic abilities. (Drawing, painting, digital painting, ect)
22. The fact that I can sew.

23. Walking. (I've realized how good a thing this is after I busted my ankle...)
24. Being able to sing~
25. Being able to love.
26. Smiling and Laughing
27. Being able to read.
28. dancing
29. Being able to write. (Type)
30. Sleeping~
Material Things
31. My Lap top
32. Sketchbooks.
33. My companion cube oUo
34. Allllll of my movie/cartoon merchendise
35. My car~
36. My body <3
37. A bed where I can sleep.
38. My movies/dvds
39. Bunny
40. My Cat (does that count?)
Things in Nature
41. Snoowwwww
42. Rain
43. The clouds, that I'm convinced God sculpts all by hand
44. Beautiful sunsets (i.e. ALL sunsets)
45. trees and forrests
46. Water - rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans, seas, snow, rain, fog, LIFE
47. EVERYTHING IN SPACE, Even the scary stuff.
48. Fire, and the ability to burn things....oh, and being warm is nice..
49. Fibonacci spirals
50. Air
Things About Today
51. That I was finally able to get comfortable and sleep on that terrible couch.
52. That I'm able to be with my dad, and spend precious time with him.
53. I'll ALSO get to go be with my mom and her family.

54. I get to relaaaaaaaxxxx.
55. Even though I don't have a job, at least I don't have to work on this holliday!
56. I get to eat so much foooooods todai

57. That I don't have a steady boyfriend, and get to be lazy. ;D
58. It rained last night, and now it's gonna smell great outside.
59. Being alive, and being able to enjoy it
60. I have a canned rootbear 8'D
Places in the World
61. Home. For the pure fact that I have a home.
62. For my dad's (old) home, and now my Grandma's home, where he lives.
63. For all the temples across the globe
64. Utrecht art supply store, one of my new favorite places.
65.The Uinta Mountains
66. Moab
67. Inside my mom's hug.
68. Bountiful
69. Utah
70. A little street called Mann....
Events in my Life
71. THE MOVIE 9 8D -shot-
72. Being baptized
73. Getting my Patriarchal blessing
74. My parent's divorce
75. Getting to work at such an awesome place as Utrecht
76. getting a Driver's liscence
77. Graduating High School
78. Family vacations/Christmases/parties
79. becoming an adult
80. Learning my passion in life is Art
Foods You Have Eaten
81. STUFFING. 8L 'nuff said
82. gyoza
83. Yakisoba
84. Chocolaaate
85. Hamburger Helper XD
86. nekomon
87. french friiiiiies
88. Junk food in general
89. grandma's Rolls
90. My mom's chilly!
Things About Things!
91. Driving everywhere
92. CosplayCosplayCosplay!!!
95. Television
96. My Graveyard Paparazzi homies
97. Have you ever seen how beautiful ugly things are??
98. That way that I haven't fallen down the stairs in a few weeks.
99. The fact everyone's forgot the world is supposed to end next month
100. Comedy

OKAY So I don't have time to write much more, even though I got 87412896 more things I wanna say, but I gotta go to dinnah now! <3
Love you all, I'll see you later!!!