Turbo and TurbetteFostersFan-Imp on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/fostersfan-imp/art/Turbo-and-Turbette-346552244FostersFan-Imp

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Turbo and Turbette



I have 85695 things to upload, and no motivation to upload any of them. 8I

So, I've been obsessed with Wreck-it Ralph a little bit too much since it came out. Haha ^^;

Soooooo, this would be Turbo and my version of a genderbent!Turbo, Turbette. I normally avoid genderbents? But this came from a really funny conversation I was having, and couldn't help myself. Whaddaya gonna do.

Turbo can't get along with anybody, especially himself. That's my headcanon.



Wreck-it Ralph and all characters (c) Disney
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4254x2700px 8.08 MB
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ayame-maiden's avatar
I love your style! :)