Mane Attractionforgottenpantaloons on DeviantArt

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forgottenpantaloons's avatar

Mane Attraction



How does hair work why don't we just draw a tornado and add a person's face under it
thats hairy enough right

+1 gingery girl in my gallery, excellent

yo can I complain about tumblr for a while
well people keep reblogging this one unsavoury picture of Roxy that I drew a while back AND THAT'S THE ONLY THING THEY'RE REBLOGGIN EVER like come on i've done better stuff now
dudes gotta move on plz it's been milked for more than what it's worth already

not that I don't appreciate the notes, it's just I wish the notes I get were distributed equally, or more towards the pictures I'm actually PROUD of :*D

In an effort to sound less petty I'll also complain about some non-1st world problems -- man why can't everyone not starve omg and also economy and world health stuff PREACHING~~~
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1500x1011px 1.3 MB
© 2013 - 2025 forgottenpantaloons
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SissyKitty183's avatar
Am I the only one who thinks how much this looks like Pamela isley (poison ivy) from the batman? Yeah... thought so...
Anyways, You did an amazing job!! I love it!!