Halloween at the Masters HouseForeverBigBlue68 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/foreverbigblue68/art/Halloween-at-the-Masters-House-139366437ForeverBigBlue68

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Halloween at the Masters House



This is my entry in the Halloween contest hosted by NHuval-stock :iconnhuval-stock:

Rules and other entries can be found here:[link]

When young Jacob saw the strange lights coming from the old Sherman house he thought this Halloween night might be getting interesting after all. It had to be a hidden party going on. That meant booze and half drunk young ladies who were probably looking for a big, strong, good looking guy like him to keep the spooks away.

He hurried up the overgrown path and saw the jack-o-lantern on the front porch and what looked like a girl in a hooded cloak standing behind it. He checked his breath and patted down his hair; yes, this could get interesting. He would tell them all about the supposed haunting of this old house by the crazy old Mr. Sherman and his victims. It is said he murdered four young people who trespassed on his property and buried them in the basement. Oh yeah, he would spook the girls to get them to snuggle up closer. It was a good story for those stupid enough to believe such things.

Jacob never got the chance to snuggle, not in the way he wanted anyway. There was indeed a party going on and the host and guests were very glad to see him. You see, the house was under new ownership by the Master of this Vampire family and they were eager to try out the local cuisine.

Just a different kind of haunted house story with vampires instead of ghosts. But you never know, old man Sherman might still be there and if he is he will be furious about these new intruders in his home. I wonder if that would make a good story ancient ghosts vs ancient vampires. It could get interesting. Happy Halloween everyon, I hope you enjoyed the picture and the story to go with it.

My thanks to all the great stock artist who make things like this possible.

Stock artist credits;
Thank you to NHuval-stock :iconnhuval-stock:
for the wonderful house:[link]

Thank you very much to MAGNETO 1969-STOCK :iconmagneto1969-stock:
For the vampires:[link]
As well as some of the background trees:[link]
Also for the victim:[link]

Thank you to Kaiprincess :iconkaiprincess:
For the Jack-O-Lantern brushes:[link]

Thank you to taking-stock :icontaking-stock:
For the pumpkin:[link]

Thank you to sabrine-photo-stock :iconsabrine-photo-stock:
For the woman on the porch:[link]

Thank you to Ellora-stock :iconellora-stock:
For the image I used as the Master in the upstairs window:[link]

Thank you to 88RedMedia :icon88redmedia:
For the night sky:[link]

Thank you to Nereja :iconnereja:
For the full moon:[link]

Thank you to Shoofly-Stock :iconshoofly-stock:
For the creepy tree in the left forground:[link]

Thank you to unholy-stock :iconunholy-stock:
For the bat:[link]

As always please visit these stock artist and respect their rules for use of their stock.
Image size
4000x2667px 3.09 MB
© 2009 - 2025 ForeverBigBlue68
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