ForeverBigBlue68's avatar


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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

  • Oct 14
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (183)
Hello my friends, yes I am still alive, I hope everyone is doing well and life is treating you as you deserve. I am ready to upload some works as gifts to many of you that have been my good friends here through it all. While I would love to make something special for many of you the limited time I have will simply not allow me that pleasure. So I hope you will understand why I have grouped you together and not be upset that I shared these works as gifts with others. Many of you hold a special place for me and I could never repay you for everything you have done to encourage me and help pick me back up when I feel down.I am and I guess I sh...
anonymous's avatar
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Hello my friends I promised to do a feature for the winners of the Holidays contest held by :iconunder30faves: and hosted by the founder my wonderful wife :iconmistshadow2k4: So here they are and I hope everyone gives them some love.1st place goes to :thumb274582182: Make a Wish by Laudica-2204 :iconlaudica-2204:2nd place to :thumb271967238: Xmas3 by kerpele :iconkerpele:and there was a tie for third place between :thumb272780453: Santa's Helpers byCrownedking :iconcrownedking:and :thumb275066930: Light my way by Enalla :iconenalla:Congratulations to them all and I hope they enjoy the prizes and have fun creating more great art.
anonymous's avatar
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AS AUTUMN SOFTLY PASSESThere comes a whispering on the wind   foretelling of the coming change. The light reveals her beauty fading     as the leaves fall slowly by.While somber clouds dim the scene   like the final curtain being drawn. The first gentle raindrops start to fall     like mourners tears at the endOn the air there comes a sudden chill,     the promise of winters long kiss. A saddened hush falls over nature        as autumn softly passes.           :thumb157170246:                                                                                                                                               I wrote this for my won...
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Profile Comments 2.2K

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terry12fins24's avatar
Happy birthday! Have a nice day and lots of luck in life! :hug:
ElenaDudina's avatar
Happy Birthday :party: :cake: dear friend :love:
SilEnigmaArts's avatar
Happy Birthday Blue !! :party::cake::party:
Wishing you a wonderful day with many happy returns :D :hug:
motherearth01's avatar
Thank you very much for viewing and faving my work. Have a super day!
ForeverBigBlue68's avatar
Always my pleasure dear friend. :hug:
Arthur-Ramsey's avatar
Thanks for faving my :iconcreepyplz: picture of the little girl in bed:iconbedplz:[link]

The story actually has a good ending the little gal has big courage. She got tired of the :iconghostsplz: watching her and turned to the ghostly visitors and said "Why don't you just take a picture it lasts longer!!" She then did the thing all ghosts and demons hate she got on top her nearby bedroom table and started doing the chicken.


The evil beings shrieked, ran away, and have not been back since. The moral of the story is simple; people we all just need to do the chicken. :iconchickendanceplz:[link] :iconchickendanceplz:
ForeverBigBlue68's avatar
:rofl: :lmao: You are very welcome and thank you for the completion of the story that was fantastic. :iconchickendanceplz: Doing my part. :D