Foogie's Sparkle/Brushmaking Tutorialfoogie on DeviantArt

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Foogie's Sparkle/Brushmaking Tutorial



So many people have asked me over the years about how I do my sparkles... I finally decided I should make a huge, overly-wordy and in-depth tutorial about the entire process! XD Everything from how to make the brush in the first place, down to how to manipulate settings of your brush to get different effects!

I apologize now for how long and boring it is. Once I get started putting my process down on paper, it's kinda like how I'm a detail whore in my artwork... I have to put down every little detail, every thought process, and tips/tricks I use... but I made the important words different colors, to make it easier for those of you who like to just scan through things instead of reading all the words I worked so hard on to put into writing. >_> lol

Anyways, many of you are already aware of my sparkle fetish- I don't submit anything that doesn't at least have a few little sparkles on it, and back in the day when my sparkle fetish went totally unchecked, I produced some incredibly eye-raping works.... So with great power, comes great responsibility! XD Use this information which I am giving you wisely... for in the wrong hands it could be disastrous!!!

lol just kidding. but in all seriousness, learn to use these tools properly and there's no limit to what you can do with it! Some of my uses of these techniques include (but are not limited to) sparkles and stars (of course), bubbles/bokeh, hearts, chains, strings of pearls, borders, leaves on trees/plants, lace, butterflies, crystal detailing, and other magical effects.

I hope This tutorial can be helpful for some of you out there! :D


...and if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to ask!! :D

See my gallery for examples of how I've used the information in this tutorial!

Commissions are OPEN! Sketches start at 10$!
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800x4996px 4.1 MB
© 2013 - 2025 foogie
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Gonturan0's avatar
Thank you for the tutorial! I've never made brushes before, and I've had a particular design in mind, so this helps a bunch!