The royal couple sketch 2foo-dog on DeviantArt

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The royal couple sketch 2


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A quick doodle of an idea from "An Emergence 8: Arrangement". =>[link]
(Up to chapter 7 can be found in my gallery)

The idea itself was not important to the story, but it was fun to draw about it.
Should be in scrap, though it will be showing up in the main gallery anyway. :shrug:

Apparently, Kureha loves to read.
Kureha's handmaiden Kosame mentions in the story that in the past before the couple was matched, Kureha once fell flat on her face while passing by the training hall, because she became so absorbed in reading while walking. She broke Kuchinagimaru's concentration and interrupted his training incidentally.
Hearing that story, Kosame's peer, Hakage had no problem believing that their mistress would do such thing.

This time, she's walking into a rock.

Their more serious selves in the story =>"An Inkling"[link]

Kureha & Kuchinagimaru => foo-dog's character.
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© 2007 - 2025 foo-dog
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