Salutations friends! At 24 I should be better at introductions by now, but eh....
I'm a native Floridian that spends a lot of time in state parks doing outreach/interpretation, but every once in a while I get to blend my love of art and nature. I'm mostly a hobbyist with my art nowadays... focusing on wildlife/avian ecology with a pinch of scientific illustration.
Personally, I'm not a super outgoing person (infj), but I'm mostly harmless and happy to share what I've learned artwise over the years. I try to always be growing and improving my art, and dA has been such a welcoming place to learn. I hope I can be a part of that for somebody else too.
Anyway, thanks for looking at my silly scribbles, I really do appreciate it!
(p.s. If you'd like to know how I made some of my art, check out my stuff out on the youtubes "FollyfootArt" from the link below)
Art Status: In doubt? Just ask!
Projects I support and love.