It's Foxy, here! Don't worry I won't come for you when you're typing..
Ask away! I can't wait to reply..
{{ Foxy's been listening in to the HUMANS. Yes, he knows what a human is, but the others dont. Foxy has had many years to understand this while shut down.
He's a laid back, chill type of animatronic. You can make him a human, a furry, which basically is a human bodied animal, or female, or anything you can think of in an ASK or RP request. NFSW is allowed for asks, and such on. But a change in an ask for Foxy like I stated, can only last up to 2 days. }}
*Foxy began to type in human things.*
If single means no one has a crush on me, and I'm not dating, them I'm single.
Mood: Laid-Back, Mischievous, slightly innocent.
I hope you know I don't always wear my pirate hook, or eye patch. During the night I take them off, as well as 'talking pirate', it's a show for the kids.