Banned-Children App: Anael Ryder ZimasirFluffyKawaiiPuppy on DeviantArt

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Banned-Children App: Anael Ryder Zimasir



Weeeehhhh so I decided to fill out my app for this group, ah it took a long long time to actually come up with his design and even longer to come up with his entire personality.....I settled on an asshole because the world doesn't have enough of them <3 

I really hope I get in though :iconbanned-children: looks like a fun group and has so many cute bbies in it ; u ; 

that tail and hair coloring....I am so proud of myself for it, but I still need to practice coloring. His hair is black  and a rich brown not red xD it looks red but it isn't 


                  Anael Ryder Zimasir

                   (Pronounced Ah-nail, rider, zim-a-sire) 


             Inugami (is also called the spirit of promiscuity)


           A few thousand years old...give or take a few decades. He really hasn't settled on a certain human age to go by but one could estimate somewhere between 18 and early 20's. When asked about age he will say he is old enough to be your great great great ancestor. 


                  6' 2" 
                  187.96 centimeters


               171 Ibs 
               77.5643 Kilograms (kg)


                Mainly active during the night but will occasionally wander about during the day. His main hours are evening, night, midnight and dawn. 

Reason for banishment:
 -Murdering his evoker.
 -Killing the second Inugami in the household that belonged to another family.
-Drug loving habits
-Smoking in the prescience of children
-Attempting to seduce married women related to his evoker
-Being an idiot (not really a reason but it should be)

Reason for joining the Banned Children:

                After about three months of hopping around from lovers home to lovers home he overhead of a certain group of misfits that had banned together. The thought of living with other species intrigued him, more so since apparently everyone there was male. All he really wants is a roof over his head, food and companions.....for different reasons of course. 


Sarcastic: He is a very sarcastic person, especially when it comes down to speaking and explaining something to someone who he deems stupid. Basically he will use sarcasm often if he thinks you're incredibly stupid. 

Flirty/Seductive nature: He will find a time to flirt and attempt to seduce whoever he is with. It really doesn't matter if he's currently being chased down by exorcists he will still attempt to flirt. 

Sadistic: He enjoys inflicting pain on others, more so during sex but he will do so anyways even if he doesn't know the person and has absolutely no relation to them what so ever. 

Loyal:He is a very loyal friend and follower, however getting him to show this side of his personality is about as hard as swallowing nails. 

- He likes pissing people off, especially when he knows how to piss the other person off. 
- He's not exactly fond of new people but will tolerate them seeing as he applies his flirting nature to them. 
-Dislikes anything and everything that has to do with humans, even though his first few dozen lovers were humans
-Has a rather long fuse and isn't easily angered since he feels as if he would lose if he was angered before the other person pissed and moaned over something he did.
-Enjoys humor, any type of humor really but is more curious with dark humor. 
-Thankfully he doesn't rush into things with his fists and will think things through before acting, he used to be a person who enjoyed beating someone to a pulp before asking questions however his seals have made him more docile. 
-Lets admit it right now....he's a whore, that sums him up pretty damn well


 He was originally called forth by a rather rich Japanese business man for the purpose of doing nothing more than dishing out punishments and striking fear into the hearts of those working below his evoker. The actual conjuring of a Inugami is complex and cruel ceremony involving a common pet dog, the details of the actual ceremony will be kept out. Once he was called forth he was unable to do anything but grant all his new masters wishes like murdering, kidnapping, mutilating, and possessing and manipulating his evokers enemies. His new found owner was a very powerful man with a iron will and who was perfectly trained to control his own rage and desire making escaped rather difficult for Anael. He remained in the families service carrying out any request his evoker had made and was ultimately given a few seals in the form of piercings in order to make it so that he was much easier to control and helped in subduing his unstoppable rage and desire for revenge. After a few more years the mans daughter married, and as with tradition she was to marry a member from a Inugami-mochi household (those who have a dog-god as pet), although for first meetings with the second households Inugami Anael had to interact with the other demon in his dog form, personally it was one of the most humiliating things he had to do on his life which lead to the increase of hatred he had towards his evoker.

He remained in the families service for a while and even begun to take an interest in human culture, that however never really got in his way of revenge.....that was until he became aware of the other forms of entertainment humans often took part in. At first it was nothing more than curiosity but after a few months he became fully involved in scenes involving sex, drugs and smoking. Since he was a dog-god he didn't really have to worry for health risks regarding what he was doing, and his bestial sex appeal really seemed to help in getting him what he wanted. The longer he participated in his current routine the more revenge became a distant memory. 

Surprisingly it didn't take him long to once again regain his original form and composure going back into a rage induced mode every time his evoker commanded him to do something. It took him a little longer to break free from his masters control seeing as everything he had been doing prior to craving revenge had become a bit of an addiction, the drugs not so much but sleeping around with both women and men had become a strong addiction of his. After murdering his evoker he was prohibited from entering the house by a priest who placed seals over any and all entry ways. Murdering the man who performed the ceremony that summoned him should have been enough to get him to go back to the place in which he came from, however, his addiction kept him at bay. 

He continued to perform these actions although his love making moved more towards males than females and without realizing it he became an aggressive and sadistic lover.


He doesn't really have any memory of family, in all reality he's not even sure if he had a family to begin with seeing that for as long as he can remember whenever he has been summoned it was just him and no one else. Besides he doesn't really care for a family, even if he did he doesn't admit it himself.


+Easy guys
+Hard to get guys
+Sex (duh)
+Pissing people off, especially when they're the type who are full of themselves
+Rainy days
+Pick up lines (really dirty pick up lines anyways)
+His giant rat nest of clothes


-when people interrupt his multiple naps
-Chocolate (can't even eat it)
-Not a big fan of collars, which is ironic since he is wearing one
-Hot days
-Anything and everything that has to do with humans
-When people tidy up his massive mountain of clothes, keep in mind most of the clothes don't even belong to him he sort of just uses them as a bed.

Additional information:

-Definitely not the kind of person you would want to mess with, not in the format of 'oh he's so tough he'll kick your ass' kind of thing. More along the lines of he's so unbearably annoying that you'll want to murder him with the way he acts and reacts to things, especially when he's in the wrong.

-Building off of what I have said previously he lives by two rules. Rule number 1. He's always right and rule number 2. If in the odd case that he is wrong, god forbid that, refer back to rule number one.

-Drawing a magic circle with the symbol on his hip will actually summon him, but for that you would need to basically recreate the original summoning ceremony just with less steps. Only the blood of a pet dog is required for quick summoning him once you draw the seal, although then you would become the item of his hatred.

-Will actually walk about in his dog/wolf looking form and will often times sleep in that form whenever he's alone. He makes himself a little nest out of clothes and will curl up right in the middle of the pile. 

-Likes throwing people off their high chair in a sense

-Will actually sleep in another persons bed when in his dog form, until kicked off that is. Even then if he's feeling really tired or sassy he will refuse to get off until literally pushed off of the bed and onto the floor.

-Won't admit to it but he sort of likes it when people pat his head when he is in his dog form, he will however snap at people that get close to him but he doesn't really bite...often anyways.

-If he wants affection while in his dog form he will actually seek it out and will nuzzle the hand of anyone he seeks the affection from. If it is not given to him he will not hesitate to bite the person he was asking it from.

Example of RP:

"Boring, bland, stupid. Need I go on?" Such cruel words that had been strung together and aimed at a petite girl with aqua blue eyes and light sandy hair. Looking around the dimly lit room one wouldn't be able to realize that the girl was currently with someone else.....the extra pair of eyes sort of gave that away. These eyes, that resembled the ensemble of the colors present only during a sunset, could mesmerize and freeze anyone who looked directly into them, well anyone who was mortal that is. The owner of the tropical eyes gave a small sigh before shifting faintly as he stood up, causing the wooden floor to creak and groan softly under his feet, the owner of the eyes was obviously a male seeing as his voice was rich and deep....something along the lines of someones morning voice. The male figure waltzed out of his dark corner as he began to eye the broken girl up a down, the looks he was shooting at the girl was one the resembled that of a predator eyeing prey. His raven black hair shone lightly in the dimly lit room and the rich brown that adorned his hair here and there was what stuck out. The male gave a small chuckle as he ran his fingers through his hair, flicking his tail from side to side as he continued to take a few steps towards the girl closing the space between them. After a few minutes of silence he gave a small grin as he raised his hands to cover the girls eyes before cooing softly in her ear, "Those words I've used.....I hand picked them to describe you....I think I did a stand up job. Don't you?" Something about feeling the tears break free from the girls eyes and slide down to his palm gave him a sort of rush. Inflicting it emotional or physical was truly an art that he swore to master and this girl would be the perfect little test dummy. 

I was having troubles while writing this and was a little derpy xD sorry 
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