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Fluffy-Mage on DeviantArt
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Yaaay I didz a commission! I have to do more before i'm done though @~@; this is he wanted to go to the pool and sun bath.
Hey though this is the first out of 2 pics he only 200 points for both pics which are full color with backgrounds o3o I hop you like it Mr.Dragon >w> Rawr I'd love to put some oil on dat but he doesn't seem to want me doin things like that with out boobs :< So Imma push him in the pool >:I
But I have to say making the scale features took a while it was fun specially the wings but took a while x3 TAKE DEM SHORTS OFF!~
Hey though this is the first out of 2 pics he only 200 points for both pics which are full color with backgrounds o3o I hop you like it Mr.Dragon >w> Rawr I'd love to put some oil on dat but he doesn't seem to want me doin things like that with out boobs :< So Imma push him in the pool >:I
But I have to say making the scale features took a while it was fun specially the wings but took a while x3 TAKE DEM SHORTS OFF!~
Image size
3510x2550px 4.69 MB
© 2012 - 2025 Fluffy-Mage
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Thats a really nice pic! really good lighting, coloring and shading. I love the details on the wings.