Yngva Tame Attemptfluffsarts on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fluffsarts/art/Yngva-Tame-Attempt-1140033978fluffsarts

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Yngva Tame Attempt



My attempt to woo the lovely Yngva! Including my boy Shrike and @Chamodile's Hanalei and a salmon finally making it up the river!

(Fels done by myself along with the background layout. Background painting done by @DevourTheLamb)

Link to import/ID#: Shrike 7547
Link to Tracker: Shrike's Tracker
Activity: Feltide (Yngva Taming)
Additional Bonus Items: -

Link to import/ID#: Hanalei 2573
Link to Tracker: Hanalei's Tracker
Activity: Feltide
Additional Bonus Items:
Amulet of the Queen - This amulet removes the ability for its owner to fail any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Black Cat - Despite superstitions, this creature brings you copious amounts of good luck. Provides a 5% chance to return with more valuable items while participating in any traditional Ulfrheim based activities.
Turkey - It can and will chase you. Provides a 5% chance to return more valuable items while participating in traditional Ulfrheim based activities and removes the chance to fail them equally.
Overachiever - Your desire to shine and be the center of attention provides you a chance to locate exclusive titles in all group activities.
Wild Trait - The blood of a wild runs within your veins. Provides all Felvargs depicted beside you an increased chance to locate wilds. The level of increase is dependent on the Felvargs current level.
Frenzy - Increase the chances for other Felvargs beside you to find wilds. Current percentage: 4% increase.
Level 4 - 3% chance to return more valuable items while adventuring.
Pack Rank 7 - +5% chance to bring back more valuable items while Adventuring.

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