Where the Wild Fels Arefluffsarts on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fluffsarts/art/Where-the-Wild-Fels-Are-1138304195fluffsarts

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Where the Wild Fels Are



Name/Import Image: Pelagos 5496

Prompt: The Beginning

Prompt #: 1 - Our experiences shape us from a young age, what can seem like a small moment in hindsight can set you on a path you may never have expected. Depict a singular moment in your Felvargs formative years that ultimately led them to who they are today, be it good or bad.

Additional Extras: Additional Literature

Pelagos had always been a bright pup, much to the contrast of her small lineage. Her grandparents had been kind enough to help in her formative years, but they weren't always around. Midnight had his patrols to do, and well, Grima while sweet was a bit on the outskirts of things. At least the little home they had situated her in was warm and cozy. Love and loyalty still held the walls strong, especially with the love Pel had for her live-in nanny of sorts, Hagalaz. The two of them spent their days playing away. Sometimes, she'd even take Pel out to the nearest town or down to the nearest lake. Those days were Pelagos's favorite. She always enjoyed the water.

Today, though, was just a simple night at home. Well, simple might be the wrong word for it. Tonight was a night Pelagos decided that sleep was for the weak. Playtime needed to last forever, obviously! Why sleep when you've got all this time you're missing out on? You could spend that on so many games!

"Come on, pup." Hagalaz wearily drawls, exhaustion sewn deep into her voice. "Your bedtime was an hour ago."

Boop! Pelagos's nose collides with hers as she leaps into her space. "Sleeps boring! Play with me," she says, paws slapping on the plush carpet as she runs circles around her current guardian. "We could play tag- or, or, or,-" the blue pup comes to a halt behind the other Fel. Sneakily, she boosts herself up onto Hagalaz's back, draping her paws over the older girl's shoulders. "Hide and Seek!"

Her nanny sighs, booping her back over her shoulder. "How about I read you a story? Those are fun," she tries. "Didn't GrimGram get you that new one? What was it called... hmm... The Place with the Crazy Fels?" She feigns ignorance, hoping Pel will take the bait. A claw taps at her lip as if she's in deep thought.

"'Where the Wild Fels Are!!!" Practically screaming it in Hagalaz's ear, she quickly jumps up to go flop in the pile of pillows. A wince follows from the older Fel as her ears pin back. Expectant little eyes stare up at her caretaker waiting for her to join her in the cozy little nook. Excitement soon replaces Hagalaz's chagrin as she trots over to the bookshelf to pull the book in question. Once it's in her maw, she takes her place next to Pelagos who promptly snuggles herself up against Hagalaz's warm fur.

Flipping open to first page, she begins reading, "The night Mik wore his Brunn suit and made mischief of one kind..." The page turns. "...and another." Fwip. "His mother called him, 'Wild Fel!'" Hagalaz taps a toe bean again Pel's nose. "That's you."

A sleepy sounding giggle escapes the young Fel. Maybe sleepiness was finally sinking in. Only took a few extra hours. Her attention turns back to the book before a quiet whisper slips passed Pelagos's mouth, "You're never gonna leave me, right? Nothing's gonna change?"

Catch her off guard, Hagalaz stumbles to answer but manages a sheepish 'yeah'. By the time, she looks down at the small Fel all cuddled up, Pelagos is already softly snoring. A smile plays at the corners of Hagalaz's lips as she sinks into the pillows further. There was no way she could leave now.

Word Count: 560

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4536x3721px 7.81 MB
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