flot-yk's avatar


call me Flot
18 Watchers65 Deviations
Let's just start throwing things here, I don't have enough time to follow everyone's lovely updates anymore. I've seen so many beautiful pieces but can't promise I'll comment on all of them.
Finally realized there's no place in my life for drawing, graphics or webdesign, they're just my leisure time and this last one is getting quite hard to get.

take care :wave:

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1 min read
When I realized my life would be resumed in "reading law books 'til death" I got this little creativity block.
Once that draw for living was never a option (though I understood it a bit late), visiting DA makes me kinda sad sometimes.. Anyway, I'll just throw some old stuff at my gallery and find a day to read all the messages and also see what's new from you guys. =)

Take care!

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1 min read
Things in Rio got really complicated because of the rain but if I said that it's the reason why I disapeared, it'd be a lie. Anyway, this days that I stayed home (obligated x.x) looots of layouts were made, some icons too and other stuff... Didn't finished them as I should. Guess I'm going through a creativity "crisis"... or something like that.

Well, I'm just posting because feel like I need to give some response... Maybe lack of updates isn't that big surprise anymore. (sorry x.x)
As always, I'm not leaving it, not even think about it!!! (so don't worry... or do, I don't know hahaha xDD)

Won't promisse anything once my classes will eat my time but you'll see me sometimes, be sure!

See ya! :wave:

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random post

1 min read
Hi there, I'm back from my big vacation and carnival is over.
I don't want my classes to start, but it's not something I can decide.

'Til then I'll try to improve my drawing which is something I should've done earlier.
Guess the only new thing is that I finally got the CS4, my PS 7.0 retired. xP I'll spent some time trying to figure out new stuff and maybe one day I'll be able to use photoshop at its best.

- tutorials watch out! I'm coming! :iconfail-glompplz:

I'm also spending time on Overkill 3.0/4.0 versions, some actors' icons and maybe I'll need to make some gifts for a secret friend. 8)
Well.. see ya!

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I'm finally back. :poke: (or hope so)
OMG, can't believe I let this abandoned for so long! There loads of arts missed and I hope there's a lot more to come once you guys are not lazy as me ^^;
Anyway, I could appologize, but think that updating more is a better way of doing it.
(will put some random things I made this last months in the gallery)

Well, there's an old meme here.. I'm lazy to do memes, but since I'm not updating the way I should at least I'll post something once.
:iconiambakaplz: tagged me.. and it's in portuguese (yey, my lazy brain /o/ ..sorry).

- Se Tiver Mais de 30, Procure Ajuda.
- Se Tiver mais de 20, você é paranóico
- Se tiver 11-20, você é normal
- Se tiver 10 ou menos, você não tem medos
- Pessoas que não tem nenhum são cheias de........
- Tageie 5 dos seus amigos e veja se eles sofrem ou não de paranoia

Eu tenho medo de...

[ ] Negros
[ ] Do Escuro -é sério D:
[ ] Ficar Solteiro pra Sempre
[ ] Ser Pai/mãe
[ ] Ser Eu mesmo na Frente dos outros
[ ] Espaços Abertos
[ ] Espaços fechados
[ ] Alturas
[ ] Cães
[ ] Pássaros
[ ] Peixes
[x] Aranhas (grandes, claro. aquelas pequenas que você confunde com uma manchinha na parede não, né? :dohtwo:)
[ ] Flores ou outras plantas
[ ] Ser Tocado
[ ] Fogo
[ ] água
[x] cobras (não venenosas são simpáticas ^^)
[ ] seda
[ ] Oceano
[x] Falhas
[ ] Sucesso
[ ] Raios/Trovões
[ ] Sapos/Rãs
[ ] o Pai do(a) Meu(minha) Namorado(a)
[ ] a mãe do(a) Meu(minha) Namorado(a)
[ ] ratos
[x] Pular de lugares altos
[ ] neve
[ ] Chuva
[ ] Vento
[x] Atravessar pontes suspensas
[x] Morte
[ ] Céu
[x] Ser Assaltado
[ ] Cair
[ ] Palhaços
[ ] Bonecas
[ ] Grandes multidões de Pessoas
[ ] Homens
[ ] Mulheres
[ ] Ter grandes responsabilidades
[ ] Médicos
[x] Tornados
[x] Furacões
[x] Doenças incuráveis
[ ] Tubarões
[ ] Sexta-feira 13
[ ] Filmes assustadores
[x] Pobreza
[ ] Halloween
[ ] Escola
[ ] Trens
[ ] Números impares
[ ] Números Pares
[ ] Ficar Sozinha - eu gosto de ficar sozinha desenhando [2]
[x] Ficar Cego
[x] Ficar Surdo
[ ] Crescer
[x] Barulhos assustadores a noite.
[x] Completar meus sonhos/objetivos
[x] Agulhas
[x] Sangue (não é medo, nem desmaio.. só não gosto.)

Aos desavisados, os comentários entre parenteses são cortesia minha. E se houvesse marimbondos eu teria feito 18, como não tem, fiz 17.
Enfim, eu sou normal. Fantástico, não? (não confie em memes) :forgiveme:

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Devious Journal Entry by flot-yk, journal

dard-e-disco by flot-yk, journal

Caos by flot-yk, journal

random post by flot-yk, journal

Back from...? + Meme by flot-yk, journal