Underworld rebellionflot-yk on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/flot-yk/art/Underworld-rebellion-181152974flot-yk

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Underworld rebellion



This is the 4th version of my personal blog, Overkill.

Usually I don't like movies/books about vampires and werewolves but somehow Underworld series got me.
- The first movie was great. (if wasn't I wouldn't watch the rest, right?)
- The second one I liked but nothing really awesome.
- The third came to explain the beginning of everything and suddenly made the first movie get a totally different meaning for me.

After these, do I need to say which movie is this one about? Well, ok, is related to the 3rd one.
Lucian is such a great character, he got me at the 1st one xD when I knew there'll be a movie for the Rise of the lycans.. hehe got to watch.
(Sonja and Selene are nice, but I still don't like vampires.. never got the hype around them, sorry.)

About the layout
It's quite simple: header now on the left, text menu and post at right. Nothing really amazing, I know.
The test here was to use a not-that-well-known font, it's called bedtime stories and can be found at Da font. Don't know if this made the web odd to those who didn't have this font on their PCs.
Another problem was the darkness but tried to use a font color that could be readable.

Font (c) Da font [link]
Michael Sheen as Lucian; Rhona Mitra as Sonja (c) Underworld: Rise of the lycans
Image size
1360x768px 458.17 KB
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