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Artist // Professional // Traditional Art
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Current Residence: Bacau, Romania


0 min read
arta vine din binele fame is porn frumusetea iti descopera singuratatea pina sa vezi, ai si vazut pina sa citesti, ai si citit pina sa auzi, a si plecat daca nimicirea cu a pune nimicul in loc e a celui rau, atunci gindul iti spune cine e tatal postmodernismului. dupa cum tainica e lucrarea desavirsita pentru cel dinafara privitor, tot astfel lucrarea dianuntru ramine taina pentru pictor, sculptor. parintii postmodernismului sint carturarii, fariseii si saducheii din vremea Lui, "ritorii cei mult vorbitori". arta moderna a luat din vremile noastre nu numai latura psihica, angoasa, schizoidia, paranoia, ci si structura social-financiara: coruptie, exclusivism, inrobire, pehlivanie, solticarii, fraiereala. oglinda fiind desavirsita, se cuvine asadar a o respecta pe aceasta arta si a o primi ca autentica, oricit de patologic-smechereasca ar putea parea. ceea ce a facut sa se prabuseasca toate academismele secolului 19 nu a fost impresionismul, ci masinizarea, lacomia, fotografia, autismul
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Profile Comments 18

anonymous's avatar
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GraysonIconography's avatar

Your work is stunning!

ClairObscur16's avatar
 I do really appreciate your drawings, reminding the italian Rinascimento,and the french tradition of the  XVIIe / XVIIIe S. They are very attractive, and original. Do you live in Italy?
heartinart's avatar
Unique and atmospheric artistic point of view!
AndreSintenie's avatar
You're works satiate my hunger for art!! My no.1 inspiration!:floating:
kreativekitty3's avatar
FLorian Florian! I can't wait for you to see my next painting. I posted a small picture of it, the the quality of the image is not the greatest, but I was impatient! I am still pursuing the painting! Life got crazy for a moment, but I am back in the studio. I hope you are doing well Florian!
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kreativekitty3's avatar
Oh Florian, my visions are finally beginning to come to me through metaphorical positionings of the human figure. I am learning about space and perspective and I am so excited about finding different ways to describe a space with perspective and scale!!