
Like the Rose

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Fleury's avatar

Literature Text

Like the Rose

I am like the rose;
Beautiful but protected
By walls of thorns and vines
Towering high and majestic.
So even though my beauty
Shines; the thorns will make
You bleed, my thoughts
And actions will find their way into
Your mind as infectious seeds
If you fall for
Me, I will warn you now;
I am not precisely what
You see; I am holier
Than thou. Take my ways
And thoughts and keep them
Close to your heart, my love
Cannot be bought nor broken,
But it will tear
You apart.
It was written around an intricate thorn/vine tribal design I drew in US History last semester...hmnn, mebe it cos of doing things like that, that I ended up failing the subject the first time...*squinty eyes* Nah...couldn't be...
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