Tymbal PlushFleeceFriendship on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/fleecefriendship/art/Tymbal-Plush-864348317FleeceFriendship

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Tymbal Plush



I just LOVE making new characters!
I could not have been more excited to make Tymbal because not only was she a character I've never made before, but she would be going home to her voice actress! How cool is that?!

She is entirely hand sewn out of fleece and is about 11" tall
Her eyes  are printed onto a cotton fusible fabric and then ironed in place
All of her accessories are handmade by me. The headband, flower, necklace, and cloak are all fleece and the glasses are made out of wire. 

Feel free to send me questions or comments if you have them!
Image size
3264x3264px 5.22 MB
© 2020 - 2025 FleeceFriendship
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Stormknight821's avatar

Tymbal: a membrane that forms part of the sound-producing organ in various insects, such as the cicada.