FlashFictionMonth's avatar


31 Days, 31 Stories
Years Ago
237 Members271 Watchers

A Kind of Good by CouchSessions, literature

Treasure Chest by joe-wright, literature

How / You / Feel by Atheshya, literature

At the Teddy Bear Hospital by Tobaeus, literature

Bartenders Don't Have Client Confidentiality by Mademise, literature

FFM 2020: Grow by The-Inkling, literature

2020 FFM Day 23: Breath At Last by Irennia, literature

FF8: Lost in this City by NamelessShe, literature

Birds of a Feather - FFM 20, Day 1 by AncientAbsentGod, literature

A Convening of Muses by Tsuuretsu2Unabara, literature

Group Info

FFM is an annual community writing event, run every July, in which participants write one piece of flash fiction between 55-1000 words every day for a month.

Each day we'll hit you up with unusual prompts, and (optional) extra challenges guaranteed to take your writing somewhere it's never been before.

Want to share your flash fiction in months that aren't July? We're always happy to get more eyes on flash fiction, whether they are FFM related or not, so don't be a stranger, and click that "SUBMIT" button.

We are currently far more active on WordPress, where our operations have migrated: flashficmonth.wordpress.com/

  • Founded
  • 230 Members
  • 7 Admins
  • 31.7K Pageviews
  • Comments 53

    anonymous's avatar
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    ink-singer's avatar
    A question for the almighty Hydra: I have an idea for a longer story that I was thinking of writing in an episodic format - would these parts still be ok to upload as FFM entries as long as I kept each piece to 1000 words? Or should I save the idea for later and just keep it all together as one piece? 

    Thank you!!
    Flash-Fic-Month's avatar

    You can upload whatever you like! The only place it would possibly matter if the judging. (And, I suppose, it would be great if the stories can be read alone and not end in mid-sentence or something.) Otherwise, have at it ;)

    ink-singer's avatar

    Thank you so much for that clarification! I don't plan on doing all the challenges this month anyway so that part doesn't matter to me - but did you mean the completion judging? Like getting all 31 stories done in 31 days? I suppose if that disqualifies me then I'll just buy my own mug once it's available haha ^^; ;P

    Flash-Fic-Month's avatar

    Completion isn't judged, just observed ;) No requirements for that! We are a skeleton Hydra right now, so we aren't able to do much in the way of awards this year. But honestly we're very happy you are here. Please just write. :heart:

    EmberGlacierWielder's avatar
    this is a wonderful group