This account (FlamestarStudios) Has been moved! Please go here for my new account! --->
Photography Account:
Heyy lewk, chainies! :'D
'A proud follower of the Strawberry armai Okay, so first things first...
Welcome to my dA page!...
Well, unless you've already come
==========================================On to the goodies.
Likes: Candy, cats, rabbits, wolves,
most animals, art, sweet music, Ed Hardy(c), friends, RP, dreams, writing, lots of
other things you won't care about... TAFFYTAFFYTAFFY
Dislikes: >:C A lot of morons and
Do you ever miss the time...
When it all was a peaceful lullaby?
When everything was light...
And all was fine...
Do you remember, when we breathed our first breaths?...
Knowing that, you'd never forget...
What you didn't want to know?
The world is filled with tranquil sighs...
With day's orchestra and music's nights...
We lived on.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Shadows all around you as you surface from the dark
Emerging from the gentle grip of night's unfolding arms
Darkness, darkness everywhere, do you feel all alone?
The subtle grace of gravity, the heavy weight of stone
You don't see what you possess, a beauty calm and clear
It floods the sky and blurs the darkness like a chandelier
All the light that you possess is skewed by lakes and seas
The shattered surface, so imperfect, is all that you believe
I will bring a mirror, so silver, so exact
So precise and so pristine, a perfect pane of glass
I will set the mirror up to face the blackened sky
You will see your beauty every moment that you rise
You are the Moon-The Hush Sound
Stuff I owez:
KairuOkami-Request for blue fox, etc.
AT with Janick
I am the Taffy Nazi.
Current Residence: NH
Favourite style of art: Cartoon/realism, anime, Disney, impressionism, pop art.
Operating System: If you really couldn't guess, the computer
Favourite cartoon character: Train Heartnet
Personal Quote: Oh, the World has become so blind! When will we realize, that we must strike out our perfect lives?